Precision Medical & Scientific Components
Tullamed Products
Laser welded assemblies
Laser welded assemblies Our Nd:YAG pulsed laser welding facility is capable of weld seam widths down to 0.2mm, enabling micro-welding of stainless wires, tubes and machined parts. Rotary micro laser welding.
Wire And Wire-Forms
Wires formed into coils, springs, mandrels including shipping mandrels. Straight, cut, deburred wires. 0.002" diameter and up. Stainless steels, tungsten, molybdenum, nickel and nickel alloys. Wires coated in PTFE or parylene as required.
Hypodermic Tube
Supplied cut to length, formed, bent, machined. Diameters 0.3mm to 30mm. Thin-walled tube is a speciality. Alloys include stainless steels, titanium, nickel, precious metals including platinum alloys.
Laser Cut Hypotube, Marker Bands
Laser Cut Tubes - Tullamed supplies stainless steel and nitinol precision laser cut hypotubes. Marker bands available from stock, made from platinum, platinum 10% iridium and gold.
We produce mandrels for catheter manufacture by wire straightening, cutting then centreless grinding. Tapered, stepped, D-shape, straight and shaped mandrels produced and can be supplied bare or coated with parylene or PTFE. Grooved mandrels made by CNC machining.
Components & Subassemblies
Tullamed – A Specialist Wire And Tube Component Manufacturer. We Hold A Wide Range Of Stock Sizes Or We Can Make Specialist Parts To Order
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